Thursday 11 April 2019

Drug Prevention Week in Sekolah Kebangsaan Meru Raya


Drug prevention programs are designed to provide the education and support necessary to diminish drug dependency in communities, schools and the workplace. This program is important to give knowledge about drugs to primary school pupils. I am going to share my experience attending the program. On 1st April 2018, Sekolah Kebangsaan Meru Raya held an opening ceremony of Drug Prevention Week. The ceremony were attended by all pupils and teachers and it was held in the main hall.

 "Develop psychological and physical dependence on drug among the drug addicts which will ruin their future” - Madam Saerah Binti Ahmad

The Drug Prevention opening ceremony started with the singing of national anthem by all the pupils and teachers. Then, the ceremony continued with prayer recitation by one of the pupils named Muhammad Helmi Bin Mohd Firdaus. Then, the emcee invited the Head Mistress to give her speech. The Head Mistress who is Madam Saerah Binti Ahmad explained that drug addiction can develop psychological and physical dependence on drug among the drug addicts which will ruin their future. According to Madam Saerah, drug addiction affects a person psychologically as it cause a person to have paranoia and hallucinations which lead to impaired judgement. The example that she gave is the incident that happened in Subang Jaya in 2018, where a 35-year-old father killed his son due to hallucination he got after taking drugs. All the students felt shocked after they heard about the case. Then, Madam Saerah continued her speech by explaining how drug addition affects a person physically. She explained that drug addiction can cause seizures, abdominal pain, and breast development which lead to health problems. She ended her speech by advising the students not to take drugs and always choose the right friends when they grew up.
“Drug addiction needs to be prevented at an early stage in order to avoid more youths to be involved in this crime” - Nur Sarah Adelia Binti Mohd Hanif

The ceremony continued with 5-minute speech activity delivered by a Year 5 student who is Nur Sarah Adelia Binti Mohd Hanif. The topic of her short speech was “How to Avoid Drug Abuse”. According to her, drug addiction need to be prevented at an early stage in order to avoid more youths to be involved in this crime. The first way to avoid drug abuse is to choose the right peers. Sarah explained that there were many cases of teenagers who got involved in drug addiction because of peers influenced. Thus, Sarah encouraged all the students to choose the right peers who have good backgrounds so that they will be influenced to be a good person. Other than that, Sarah also shared a way to turn down drug offers which is to explain nicely the reasons why you refuse to take it and excuse yourself quickly. Next, the ceremony continued by a peom recitation by a teacher. The caremony suddenly became lively as all the students enjoyed listening to the nice poem recitation. At the end of the ceremony, all the teacher and students sang Drug Prevention song together.

My experience attending the ceremony was very beneficial as I gained many new knowledge about drug addiction and learnt how the teachers handle the ceremony. In my opinion, Drug Prevention Week is necessary to be conducted in all school as it provides information about how dangerous drug addiction is to the students. They can use this knowledge to avoid being involved in drug addiction when they grew up. I hope that the Drug Prevention Week will be carried out more creatively in school in the future to encourage more students’ involvement. I hope all of my readers learn something from this blog entries.

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